Treadmill Walking Belt with Lube, Black, Stairmaster/Quinton 510 and 510+
Item # P02011
Treadmill Walking Belt with Lube, Black, Stairmaster/Quinton 510 and 510+
$89.00 Each
- This Sportsmith treadmill walking belt fits Quinton and Stairmaster 510 and 510+ treadmills, serial#s 458 and 448
- Finger-spliced seams means you can install in either direction
- User facing surface is black diamond
- Belt comes with a pack of lube
- 2 ply
Treadmill Walking Belt with Lube, Black, Stairmaster/Quinton 510 and 510+
$89.00 Each
Black Sportsmith Treadmill Walking Belt with Lube for Stairmaster/Quinton 510 and 510+
- This Sportsmith walking belt comes with a pack of lube and is for use on the Stairmaster/Quinton 510 and 510+ treadmills
- Fits serial#s 458 and 448
- User facing surface is black diamond
- Belt comes with a pack of lube
- User facing material is PVC
- This treadmill belt is black
- Finger-spliced seam
- Item Type: Treadmill Belts
- OEM Number: SM27880